The Warfare Wizard

Levyne, The Metaverse Shopping Experience.

I have not yet had the opportunity to document my experiential journey constructing Levyne, encompassing the intricacies of its technical underpinnings and the knowledge I acquired. Nevertheless, I am keen on presenting a few demonstrations in advance of my comprehensive exposé, which will be forthcoming as soon as my schedule allows.

Transforming rudimentary garment sketches into advanced 3D visuals using Computational Graphics and Image Processing techniques.

Levyne - Fashion Metaverse

Conversion of fabric textures into 3D Shirt - formals.

Levyne - Fashion Metaverse

A vast repertoire of more than 100,000 unique garment permutations.

Presented herein is an SDK that enables real-time rendering of custom-generated 3D graphics on mobile devices.

Levyne - Fashion Metaverse